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Denver, Colorado | Physician Hospital Organization | Rose Medical Group


RIHN (Rose Integrated Health Network)

Rose Integrated Health Network (“RIHN”) was formed in 2015 as a for-profit subsidiary of Rose Medical Group.  The formation was driven by the alternative payment methodologies around population management.  RIHN’s goal is to organize RMG primary care physicians around physician oversite, medical management, and practice transformation which the value-based and ACO contracts require.  It is also the vehicle by which practices receive a PMPM payment and any shared savings distributions.

RIHN holds four value-based/ACO model contracts.  These contracts each have unique components one or all of the following are included in one of the RIHN Contracts:

  • a per member per month payment for medical management
  • shared savings payments based on contractual targets for cost and quality
  •  hospital cost incentives such as measurement of 30 day readmissions and ER utilization quality parameters such as HEDIS Quality Metrics.
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Additional Resources

American Medical Association: www.ama-assn.org

Colorado Medical Society: www.cms.org

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS): www.cms.gov

Novitas Solutions:


COPIC Insurance: www.callcopic.com

CORHIO/CO-REC: www.corhio.org

Website Management: Cheri Lipps